The Budapest Business Journal's article from August 06 2022 about the building emission's rankings and current trends. Zsombor Barta was interviewed about the EU Taxonomy in this article:
..." Benchmarking for EU Taxonomy Established
There is already an elaborated and standardized EU Taxonomy requirement list available for various business sectors that defines what is considered sustainable business activity within the European Union, says Zsombor Barta, president of the Hungarian Green Building Council (HuGBC). This is a crucial step towards a more transparent and standardized benchmarking methodology within the union, especially as certain financial benefits are or will be connected to the taxonomy compliance conditions. “We are very proud and happy as the Hungarian Green Building Council collaborated with the National Bank of Hungary on the adaptation of the EU Taxonomy for the real estate sector in Hungary. Further, the HuGBC can also verify taxonomy compliance in this sector, which is, again, an important milestone related to the third-party verification of EU Taxonomy compliance.”"...